Last update Jan 23, 2020.
Ebrahim Salehi, University of Nevada, Las VegasThe former Editor-in-Chief is Professor R.E.L. Aldred, New Zealand
Editorial Board:
A.H. Baartmans, USAE.J. Billington, AustraliaL. Caccetta, AustraliaL.J. Cummings, CanadaR. Fuji-Hara, JapanR.J. Gould, USAT.W. Haynes, USAA.J.W. Hilton, UKP. Horak, USAC.S. Iliopoulos, UKM. Jimbo, JapanD. Jungnickel, GermanyD. Kreher, USAJ. Leung, USAC.M. Mynhardt, CanadaR.W. Robinson, USAC.A. Rodger, USAJ. Ryan, AustraliaD.R. Stinson, CanadaW.D. Wallis, USA
Production Manager:
Aug 26, 2019: Due to the recent resignation of our Production Manager, there is currently a disruption in handling existing papers. |
The Charles Babbage Research CentreP.O. Box 272, St. Norbert Postal StationWinnipeg, ManitobaCANADA, R3V 1L6
ISSN: 0835-3026
Requests for subscriptions should be sent to the publisher.
JCMCC began publication in April, 1987.
The subscription rate for 2020 (volumes 112 (February), 113 (May), 114 (August), 115 (November))
will be US$315.00 for US customers; US$325.00 for International customers; and US$310.00 plus GST for Canadian customers.
Submissions to JCMCC can be sent to any member of the editorial board.
It is understood that the contents of the paper have not been published elsewhere, and will not be published elsewhere. The author should retain a copy of the paper. The Editorial Board cannot accept responsibility for the return of submissions. |
Authors are requested to use a spelling checker and grammar checker before submitting a paper, as it is not the referee’s job to check spelling and grammar. |
In preparing the manuscript, avoid compositors’ conventions, such as coloured underlining. Text need merely be typed in Roman letters, according to the standards of the AMS. Tables and figures should be numbered and in a form suitable for photographic reproduction. References should be given in the form [1] to a final alphabetically organized list of references, which should include page numbers. Authors’ names should not be inverted in the reference list; write C.T. Onions, not Onions, C.T. |
Once a paper has been accepted, send a .pdf file to the Production Manager. The file must be in 10 point Times or Computer Modern font, single spaced, with the text being 4.5 by 7.125 inches (11.4 by 18.1 cm). We use your copy as camera-ready. An invoice for 25 reprints (with or without covers) will be sent to you if you ask for the reprints. |
Open Access Policy, Arxiv: Two years after the date of publication, a paper may be posted in a repository, or personal web site. Papers that are posted to Arxiv may be submitted to JCMCC. However, once a paper has received acceptance, either conditional or final, no updates may be posted to Arxiv. |
JCMCC publishes papers in all areas of combinatorial mathematics and combinatorial computing, including graph theory, design theory, extremal combinatorics, enumeration, algebraic combinatorics, combinatorial optimization, Ramsey theory, automorphism groups, coding theory, finite geometries, TSP, combinatorial algorithms, etc., as well as areas of computational mathematics closely related to combinatorics (e.g., computational number theory, computational combinatorial topology, etc.). |
The 34th Midwest Conference on Combinatorics and Combinatorial Computing (MCCCC) will be held on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 16(Friday)-18(Sunday), 2020 Conference Website: http://www.mcccc.info (then click on the 34th) |
The plenary Speakers are:Brian Alspach, University of Newcastle, Australia; Darryn Bryant, University of Queensland, Australia; Fan Chung, University of California, San Diego; Marijn Heule, Carnegie Mellon University; Mateja Sanja, University of Ottawa, Canada; Richard Wilson, Caltech. |
We invite the participants to give a 20-minute contributed talk. Deadline for the submission of abstracts and early registration is October 1, 2020. Registration fee is $150.00 and includes one banquette dinner. Please forward this announcement to the friends and colleagues who might be interested in participating in this conference. We hope to see you in Las Vegas, Nevada. |
JCMCC has published a special volume in honour of |
Professor Ralph Stanton. |
It is volume 80, February (2012). |
Tables of Contents are available for recent volumes.
Priority Publication Page Charges
Our policy of voluntary page charges operates as follows. If you do pay page charges, your paper will receive priority publication. It will go into the priority queue and will appear in the next available issue of the journal.This policy will not cause any delay for papers already in the queue, since all priority publication articles will result in additional pages in the journal. For example, if there are 64 pages of priority-paid articles for an issue, that issue will contain the regular number of pages, plus an additional 64 pages. In this way we shall be able to publish larger volumes of the journal. Authors who are not able to pay page charges will also benefit considerably, since the priority articles will be removed from the queue and thus the queue will be shortened. |
The US Postal Service has recently increased its charges a great deal. Effective January 1, 2019 the priority page charge will be US$80.00 per page if paying by cheque; US$85.00 per page if paying by VISA or bank transfer. |